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Double Pinwheel String Quilt Journals

Double Pinwheel String Quilt Journals designed by Elizabeth of Such a Sew and Sew for The Way I Sew It.
Double Pinwheel String Quilt Journals

This Double Pinwheel String Quilt Journals designed by Elizabeth of Such a Sew and Sew for The Way I Sew It.

" I am thrilled to have a very special guest post by Elizabeth of Such a Sew and Sew today!  She recently made a gorgeous quilt journal using my Double Pinwheel String Quilt Tutorial that she scaled down for her project.  When I saw it on her blog during her giveaway week, I was delighted and very moved by her gorgeous and crafty interpretation in the form of a journal.  Imagine my surprise when she sent me one!  I was overwhelmed!  And then curious as to how in the world she did it.  It's a work of art!

But I'll let Elizabeth tell the whole story and give you all the wonderfully detailed instructions on how you can make a Double Pinwheel String Quilt Journal too.  She is posting the same on her blog and agreed to "simulcast" it here.  Thanks so much, Elizabeth!"

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